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Learn Internet Marketing and Computer Basics the easy way. No more having to read and interpret the written word in your learning process. We have set-up a membership website that will provide you step-by-step learning processes using videos. You can look over the instructors shoulder and simply follow what you see him/her do to complete almost any task. Come back again and again for the same or different instructions. We will cover almost any aspect of Internet Marketing and Computer Basics through this method of instruction.
* Internet Marketing –
* Complete wordpress basics
* Complete wordpress advanced techniques
* List Building
* Traffic Generation
* Creating Graphics
* Video Production
* Email Marketing
* Cpanel Basics
* Cpanel Advanced
* More…More….More
* Computer Basics –
* Database Creation
* Database Advanced Techniques
* Microsoft Excel
* More…More…More
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We now have over 200 video lessons posted on our website and more are being added everyday. Our currenty available library has over 1,000 videos created to instruct you on massively different topics. We post new videos every week as our staff has time to get the pages posted.
This is not just a Frequently Asked Questions website. We have fully contained video lessons that instruct you from start to finish on getting a task completed.
The best part is: You can get a FREE Membership if you act quickly. Free Membership will not be available forever!
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We also have a Paid Membership option at just #9.95 monthly. Why???
We have invested thousands of U.S. Dollars into creating this website. We both purchase and develop our videos at our cost and expense. We have set a budget for video creation and if any video series exceeds our budget it is only available to Paid Members. Also, some of the videos we purchase will NOT allow us (By License) to make them available to FREE MEMBERS. Nevertheless, currently, 90% of our video instructions ARE AVAILABLE to Free Members.
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We understand that some of the topics we cover are freely available over sites like YouTue and other video sharing websites. However, you must search to find them and most are NOT PROFESSIONALLY created by trained teaching personnel. We have also found that many of these so-calles free videos are not complete in their instruction. Our videos tend to walk you through all needed aspects of completing your task.
We also understand there are many so-called “gurus” that offer similar instructions through “Buy Now” processes. Such intructions add-up costs and expenses to the purchasers as they are targeted in scope and only cover one topic at a time. On our website, members can avail of complete instruction in an easy fashion and come back, as needed, for further instruction on other topics without the need to pay again. Just check-out out MOTO:
We Create Or Purchase Video Training So You Don’t Have To!
For further information: Go Here Now!
To register for a free account: Go Here Now!
FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY – New Free Member Accounts will get Paid Account Privileges For The First 7 Days!
All The Best!
Ron Terre
A Division Of:
R.T.B. Enterpriss, Inc.
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